I'm Not Fearless

May 01, 2020

I’m not fearless. I don’t strive to be fearless. I strive to do things IN SPITE OF fear. Fearless is an impossible term to live up to, anyways. Is anyone really fearless? Bold and brave, sure. Fearless, ehh. I’m not sure I’m buying that one. Some of the most rewarding life decisions I have made have also been some of the most terrifying ones. But the thought that terrifies me even more is getting to the end of my life and regretting all of the things I didn’t do, because I let fear control my life.

Think about all of the things you haven’t done because you decided to let fear take the wheel. A trip to a foreign country? Moving away from your home town? Learning a new skill at a class? Starting that business you thought up years ago? How about a missed conversation because you are simply afraid to say “Hi.”

If fear is crippling your actions, and causing you to have regrets about where you are in your life, I am here to tell you today that you can absolutely make a change. It won’t be easy, and it won’t be without fear, but it will give you the power to take action in spite of fear and allow you to have a healthier relationship with it.

Here are a few questions I want you to ask yourself every time fear is stifling your decision making:

1 – What is the worst-case scenario that could go wrong if I take this action?

Chances are, it isn’t all that bad. If the answer is death, then sure, you may want to reevaluate and think deeply before you move forward. However, I would probably guess that the worst-case scenario isn’t actually as bad as you think it would be.

2 – What is the best-case scenario if things work in your favor?

Imagine if everything goes according to plan in the best way possible, how that would look for you? Really try and envision how that would change your life and how you would feel emotionally and physically. Use this moment to allow yourself to dream big dreams!

3 – Will you regret not doing whatever it is you are deciding? If so, how deep is that level of regret?

This one is important. Maybe the risk is really high. Maybe your friends and family think you are absolutely crazy. Maybe this decision makes absolutely no logical sense to anyone else around you, but you know in your heart of hearts that it is exactly what you need to do, or you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Have you had a moment like that? A pivotal moment in your life where it’s time to jump but you didn’t? Think about that for a minute. Do you want to get to the end of your life and regret all of the things you didn’t do? Or do you want to look back and be proud of all of the things you DID do, even if you did fall flat on your face?

You owe it to yourself, and you owe it to those who are waiting to receive what you have to share to walk in a healthy relationship WITH fear towards your wildest most audacious dreams. I believe in you and I believe in the passion that you have to get you there.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get you past that fear and moving in the direction of an abundant life! Shoot me and email ([email protected]) and let’s chat. Tell me your dreams, your passions, and what is currently holding you back. The world is waiting for your gifts!


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