Live Interview: How Healing from Within Can Lead to a More Abundant Life & Business

May 01, 2020

I was blessed to have been interviewed recently by one of my amazing friends, Tonya Trombley. Tonya is truly a beautiful woman, inside and out. She has a servants heart and lives for helping others. I was honored when she asked if she could interview me!

Because Tonya helps lead a team of business building women, we thought it was important to share how important it is to make sure you are taking care of YOU and being aware of how your thought patterns can affect you in ways you don't even realize it, how to recognize those thought patterns,and how to change them! 

In this video I focus on three simple steps to shift your thoughts:

1. Acknowledge your truth. 

2. Shift how you think of abundance. 

3. Be open to receive.

Let's look at each one a bit more in depth... 


Acknowledge Your Truth

One of the first things you should focus on when talking about self-healing is acknowledging your beliefs. Who do you believe you are as a person? Do you believe in God? Why, or why not? Who do you believe you are in God's eyes? Who is God to you? When we begin to answer these questions we have a better understanding of how we view the world, and we think certain things that we think. 

When we understand what lens we are viewing the world from, it becomes easier to embrace our path. I would argue that often, we tell ourselves we don't know what our path is, what our purpose is, where we fit in. I actually believe that we are more attuned to what that path and purpose is than we let on. On a soul level, we know what our purpose is. And when we choose to be accepting of who we are at this deeper level, we are more open to walking in that truth!


Shift How You Think of Abundance

You probably hear the word abundance a lot. It gets thrown around quite a bit, but most of the time we assume it is referring to money. This is where we make our biggest mistakes. Sure, abundance can certainly be about money, but when we set ourselves up to believe that our success in life is tied to financial abundance, we are going to fail miserably. 

Abundance fills our lives in many different forms. You are probably surrounded by abundance that you don't even recognize is there, because you are limited by your vision of how it is supposed to come to you. You may have an abundance of friends, food, love, comfort, security, joy, peace, etc. By shifting how you perceive abundance, you will see that your life is actually already filled with it, therefore it can flow in from other areas as well! 


Be Open to Receive

Sounds simple, right? Being open to receive is actually a lot more challenging than you may think! Think about this. How many times has someone given you a compliment and you decline it or make an excuse to downplay it? How many times has someone given you a gift that you have a hard time receiving, or feel unworthy of it? How many times have you felt like you can never achieve what it is you desire? How many times have you felt like you are unworthy of (fill in the blank). 

By doing, saying, and thinking these things, we actually make ourselves less open to receive blessings coming our way. It isn't something we do intentionally or consciously. It is a visceral response to something that makes us feel uncomfortable. So how do we remove this block? 

Say thank you, and say if often. Practice gratitude in little ways on a daily basis by offering up silent prayers for your blessings. Be grateful and accepting when someone gives you a gift. Close your mouth when you feel the need to decline a compliment! Accept that you are a child of God and that you are WORTHY of everything he, and others want to bless you with! 


I fully believe that in order to achieve healing, success, or truly any of our desires we must practice each of these steps on a daily basis. Keep your thoughts in alignment with your soul and with God's divine calling for you. 

With love and intention, 


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